
Friday, March 30, 2012

The Most Expensive Shoes

World's Most Expensive Shoes - Harry Winston's Ruby Slippers
These shoes were sold for 3 million dollars, there are more than 4,600 rubies
and 50 carates of diamonds!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Expensive Cellphone

World's Most Expensive iPhones - iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition
The Stuart Hughes iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition is 8 million dollars, what is the point?

Expensive Watch

This is the 201 Carat Chopard. It is 25 million dollars. There is a 163 carat diamond on this watch, I didn't even know that was possible!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Expensive Yacht

World's Most Expensive Yachts - Eclipse
This is the Eclipse, it costed1.2 billion dollars.

Spring Break

 If I could go anywhere for a mission trip over spring break, I would go to Colorado. I am actually going to go on a mission trip with my church to Colorado this summer. I play electric bass for Church of the Resurrection's youth orchestra, we went on a mission trip to Alabama to clean up the tornado debreis last year, so we are going to Co. this year.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Expensive House
This house was sold for 12.2 billion dollars.

Expensive Pets
Green Monkey racing horse. Green Monkey was sold for 16 million dollars.

Missy was sold for 1.2 million dollars. Why would you buy a million dollar cow?

This Stag Beetle was sold for 89,000 dollars.